About me
My name is Jaimee and I’m a mom to 3 fantastic kids. My life is much like many other moms! I work outside the home, juggle kids schedules of activities and the busy times that come with parenting young kids. I’m a wife to my wonderful husband Tommy. My passions outside of my mom status includes mountain biking, running, photography, rollerblading and being out in nature in any way! I’m a typical mom who one day found myself wearing a new “hat”. In my 20 week ultrasound we found out our son Noah was going to be born with a unilateral cleft lip and palate. Suddenly I wasn’t just a typical mom any longer. I was suddenly thrust into the world of having a child who would be cleft affected. Every parent is an advocate for their child, but once you find out your baby has a birth defect the world suddenly changes...